Developing Containerized Application with Toolbox

In the previous post, I’ve written about how to start to develop the Flask application using the Python virtual environment. In this writing, I’ll use different approach using the containerized environment with Toolbox (or Toolbx). Toolbox makes it easy to use a containerized environment for everyday software development and debugging. With this tool, makes the …

Using LDAP Authentication in Laravel Application

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an open protocol used for storing information about an organization and its users and assets. This protocol is used to communicate with a directory database to query, add or modify information. LDAP authentication authenticates the user via LDAP server such as Active Directory. For such, user should have valid …

Python 3.12 and Fedora Container Image

Good news! Python 3.12 has recently been released and Fedora 39 ships it in the system. We don’t have to replace existing Python installation in our operating system, but we could use the container to run the latest Python release for testing or other purposes. Since Python 3.9 and Fedora 33, Python’s annual release cycle …

Building Alpine Container Images

Containerization is a reliable solution to run multiple tasks or applications on the same host. The container allows applications to be bundled with their own libraries and configuration files, and then executed in isolation on a single OS kernel. It ensures application isolation in terms of security and data access, and as resource allocation. A …

Application Development with Flask

Flask is one of the most popular web application framework, it’s simple and lightweight framework for Python. At the time this writing, Flask version 2.3.x supports Python 3.8 and newer. We will prepare the application development environment with the latest version of Python and Flask. Most of the latest Linux distributions ship the latest release …

Install PHP 8.1 in openSUSE Leap, and Run the Symfony Application on It

At the time of this writing, the latest openSUSE Leap 15.4 ships with PHP version 7.4 and 8.0. Likewise the upcoming release Leap 15.5 also including the PHP version 8.0. The latest popular PHP frameworks like Laravel (version 10) and Symfony (version 6.2), require minimal version 8.1, so we need to add the additional repository …

Developing Rust with Visual Studio Code and WSL

Rust provides the Windows Installer to start running Rust in your Windows, but sometimes you might want to develop Rust in your existing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) environment. In your installed Linux distribution, run the following in your terminal, then follow the on-screen instructions to install Rust. After the installation is completed, run rustc …

Memprogram Database SQLite3 di PHP

SQLite adalah engine database yang paling banyak dipakai, digunakan di setiap smartphone dan di banyak komputer, dibundel dibanyak aplikasi yang digunakan sehari-hari. Meski aplikasi server seperti PHP lebih mengandalkan database server seperti MySQL atau PostgreSQL, SQLite dapat menjadi pilihan tepat untuk aplikasi yang berjalan di server tunggal dan membutuhkan engine database yang ringan. SQLite3 adalah …

Komputer Kecil Edukasi micro:bit

Didesain untuk tujuan edukasi, micro:bit adalah komputer kecil yang dapat diprogram, membuat kamu dapat berkreasi dengan teknologi digital. Perangkat ini dikembangkan dengan tujuan untuk belajar dan mengajarkan kode komputer menjadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkan. Mendorong anak-anak untuk terlibat dalam memprogram komputer, elektronik dan pembuatan perangkat secara umum. Di negara asalnya, BBC memberikan sampai dengan 10 …

Laravel Artisan Console, Membuat Aplikasi CLI

Ketika kamu membutuhkan antarmuka command-line (command-line interface / CLI), kamu dapat memanfaatkan fitur Artisan Console. Laravel menyediakan sejumlah perintah Artisan dengan menggunakan memanggil perintah list Untuk menambahkan perintah Artisan, dapat dibuat dengan perintah make:command. Kita akan membuat sebuah perintah Artisan untuk menampilkan kota seperti pada contoh sebelumnya: File perintah Artisan tersebut disimpan di app\Console\ViewCities.php. Isikan …