Developing Containerized Application with Toolbox

In the previous post, I’ve written about how to start to develop the Flask application using the Python virtual environment. In this writing, I’ll use different approach using the containerized environment with Toolbox (or Toolbx). Toolbox makes it easy to use a containerized environment for everyday software development and debugging. With this tool, makes the …

Python 3.12 and Fedora Container Image

Good news! Python 3.12 has recently been released and Fedora 39 ships it in the system. We don’t have to replace existing Python installation in our operating system, but we could use the container to run the latest Python release for testing or other purposes. Since Python 3.9 and Fedora 33, Python’s annual release cycle …

Application Development with Flask

Flask is one of the most popular web application framework, it’s simple and lightweight framework for Python. At the time this writing, Flask version 2.3.x supports Python 3.8 and newer. We will prepare the application development environment with the latest version of Python and Flask. Most of the latest Linux distributions ship the latest release …